Saturday, October 25, 2008

Zachary's Forever Blowing Bubbles...

Well, prayers have been answered and Kyle was assigned 2nd shift permanently! He started yesterday and it was his first day of patroling on his own. Unfortunately it had been raining all day, so he had to work several wrecks, which = several reports to write. But not a bad day in all. He is also able to work extra jobs now, which will be nice to earn some extra, needed money. He is working his first one tonight.

Speaking of needed money, I have recently signed up to be a consultant for Usborne Books at Home. It is a well-renown children's book company. It is a great way to make a little extra money, as well as build Zachary's library and stay involved in the field of education. Let me know if you are interested in learning more about it!

Well, Zachary is now 11 weeks old and his latest thing is making spit-of any kind! He has found his fist quite tasty to suck on, and has discovered how to blow bubbles! He thinks this is a hoot and tries to make as big a mess as possible!

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