Saturday, March 14, 2009

Two year celebration

My how time flies! Today we celebrated my nephew Matthews 2nd birthday, along with his cousin Luke (the boys were born exactly one week apart). Two years ago Kyle and I were still living in Texas, but starting to get homesick. When Matthew was born Kyle was able to fly up to Chattanooga to be with the family & while he was in TN he took a test for the TN State Troopers. Thus, our decision to move back home was eventually made. That July we packed up things, our kitties, and a lotta prayer and moved to Chattanooga. We had no jobs, no house, but we were very prayerful that God would take care of us and that we would be okay. Of course, we both found jobs pretty quickly and became settled. Anyway, Matthew's birth was a big reason in our deciding to move back.

Matthew has brought a lot of joy to our lives over the last two years. We have watched him grow from a baby, to a VERY active toddler with loves to be in control and "doo-ed it" himself. (As he would put it!) It has also been a joy watching Matthew and Zachary. They are both enamored with each other and I hope that as they grow older, they will be the best of friends, like their Daddies are.

Now, back to the party! It was held at the Ooltewah Gymnastics Center....which was great because the kids could run around, jump, play, and entertain themselves (well, at least the walking kids could!) It wasn't too shabby for the adults, either. Except for the giant sea of blue foam cubes....let me just say, appearances can be deceiving! It looked like sooo much fun! Remember when you were little and you'd go to McDonald's or Chuckie Cheese and there would be those pits full of balls you could jump into? Well, this is basically what this was, except the pit was full of these foam cubes, and it was DEEP, too! We jumped in (me and Kyle that is...and a few others) and started throwing cubes, wading was all great, until I tried to get out! Talk about closterphobic...I thought I'd never get out of there! Obviously, I did live to tell and write about it...but let's just say, never again....

After all of that fun, it was time for cake and presents. Matthew and Luke had a big Thomas the Tank Engine cake which was chocolate and very delicious....poor Z. He just had to watch everyone else eat....oh, but his time is coming. By the time we got to presents we decided to go on and leave because Zachary was more then ready for a nap and Kyle needed to get back home to get ready for work. We were all quite exhausted from our day!

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